I’m passionate about helping you grow and make an impact.

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About Me.

As a former wellness studio owner, my journey into the world of digital marketing was sparked by the unprecedented challenges that arose with the COVID-19 pandemic. In the face of mandated closures, I was left with no choice but to pivot my business online. It was a tumultuous time, and the difficulties were compounded when our landlord unjustly evicted us. Times were indeed dark, but in those moments of adversity, I found the determination to adapt and thrive.

I made a pivotal decision to seek guidance from a coach, and this choice would transform my entire perspective on marketing. What followed was nothing short of extraordinary. Within a week, I managed to sell 53 virtual memberships through a highly effective email strategy. This breakthrough marked the beginning of a new chapter in my professional journey.

What I realized was that much of the marketing I had relied on as a wellness studio owner was not inherently wrong but rather incomplete. Like many local wellness businesses, our marketing efforts had primarily focused on creating awareness. The prevailing mindset was akin to "if you build it, they will come." It wasn't until I was introduced to the concept of Inbound marketing that the proverbial lightbulb went off.

Inbound marketing offered a fresh approach, one that targeted potential clients at an earlier stage in their decision-making process. It was no longer a matter of waiting until the customer had already decided on the need for one of our services. This change in approach was transformative.

Over the past couple of years, I've applied this newfound insight to my own businesses and experienced a significant shift in results. The success I witnessed motivated me to deepen my knowledge and expertise. I became a HubSpot Certified Digital Marketing Specialist and earned multiple certifications spanning from digital advertising to social media to community management.

Today, I am dedicated to offering my knowledge and services to wellness businesses. I firmly believe that by better amplifying our messages, we can collectively improve the well-being of individuals and the health of our businesses. The potential to make a positive impact in the world of wellness is within reach, and it starts with strategic, holistic marketing. I invite you to connect with me, and let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Our services are designed to fit your needs

Wellness is a labor of love and the impact we make is essential to our collective well-being. We pride ourselves on offering a variety of price points to make sure that our industry continues to grow and impact lives.

Attract more qualified leads by showing up consistently 

By attracting the right customers to your business, you will find that business starts to flow.

Engage and upsell for more revenue with less effort

When clients feel engaged with your community and culture, they pull out their credit cards with ease.

Delight your clients and fill your schedule

With consistent and effective marketing your wellness business will flourish and you will thrive.

Related Insights & Resources

Learn the most effective ways to market your wellness business and begin to watch it flourish.

Wellness Challenges: Motivating and Inspiring Client Participation

7 Secrets of Effective Email Marketing for Health Coaches

5 Proven Strategies to Boost Online Visibility for Your Wellness Business

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